Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Getting on with Life

Yesterday was Valentines Day. What ever that means. Chris and I went out for lunch at Pierre's. We had a lovely relaxing time and as you can imagine were not keen to return to work afterwards. Lately I have been liking the look of pretty things. That is not to say I have any intention of stating to wear frill pink clothing. Just that I don't mind things that make you feel pretty.
Oscar will be turning 1 in a week and we have no idea what to get him. So we probably won't get him much of anything.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Patience is Wearing Thin

My temper seems to have gone off and lost itself unfortunately. So I am sending out a search party as there is no way I can do without it.
Made it through the silly season relatively unscathed. I got some lovely Christmas presents and enjoyed spending time with my family.
Thanks to the help of Nathan and Chris's Dad we have been able to paint both the spare rooms and the hallway.
Deb very kindly brought round a big bag of baby clothes etc which I have sorted through and seperated into neutral and boys.
It seems that everything is well on the way to being organised now.
My belly is getting rather large now and one day soon I may even get organised enough to post some pictures on my blog of various things, including my ever growing belly.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Feeling the need to be organised

My house has been considerably tidier over the last couple of weeks and the washing up is now being done most nights after tea. I am keen to try and get in to some better domestic habits before the arrival of our baby. Chris is slightly in shock.

There is a plan in place to get the baby's room cleaned out this weekend so that it can be painted over Christmas. Organising the garage is also on the list.

I had a terrible week with my hormones this week. It seems to have passed now thankfully. I was rather grumpy for several days and not at all open to anyone else's suggestions or ideas.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Movement at The Station

Everything is really starting to happen now. Baby Puffett is moving around a whole bunch and it times I am finding it rather distracting. We had our morphology scan this week and Baby Puffett was very compliant for the radiographer. We did not find out the sex of little baby.
Last night I was lying in bed and my belly was moving of its own accord. Was really nice for Chris to be able to see this.

In other news VDR v CCR is this weekend and I am extremely excited about it all. Just wish I could play.

Will get back with a result soon.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

End of the month. End of the quarter. Start of a new Fresh Meat Intake.

Life has been tremendously busy this week. Going back to work after a week and half off was a lot easier than I thought it might be.
Now to take a step back to September 16th, just for a moment, because something very awesome happened that day. Chris, Erin, Simon, Lici and I went to see Metallica and it was beyond all expectations. Needless to say I am very much looking forward to going again on the 18th of November. Going to see Metallica has been on Chris and my wishlist for as long as we have been together.
Back to the present now. Van Diemen Rollers Fresh Meat commenced on Monday and it was fantastic to see 40 new people there wanting to give Derby a go. Being involved with Fresh Meat in an extremely rewarding pass time. It is so fantastic to see women come out of themselves and gain confidence.

Friday, June 18, 2010

out of time

Unfortunately there just aren't enough hours in the day to achieve all the things I need to currently and writing a blog has taken a major back seat.
Just quickly The Great Southern Slam was one of the most awesome experiences of my life so far. It has inspired me no end and also given me a big wake up call regarding just how much more work I am going to have to do, both on a personal level and also as a leader of Van Diemen Rollers.
Work is also keeping me extremely busy and this is the first time in weeks that I have given myself a few moments to put some thoughts down.
So many goals I want to achieve in the next 6 months. I am going to have to do a little list for myself and start prioritising.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hanging in There

This week I seem to have regained my desire to take training which is great. I love taking training and developing my skills as a coach.

It is only 19 more sleeps until I will be in Adelaide with the Van Diemen Rollers for The Great Southern Slam. It is going to be so much fun and will be nice to get the reward for all the hard work we have put in to both training and fundraising.